Monday, August 15, 2011

Creation: Chains

I wanted to speak my mind
and council the hurt and seek love
mostly unheard berried under
since hate prevailed, I don't know when
but who cares its the now that matters
and I can hardly wait for those who suffered
all around the earth of those unbreakable chains
celebrated for an era gone but their pull is still there
I stretch my nine arms towards the corners of this earth
hoping my warmth revives the frozen souls meant to stand still
and live no more, I nudge and pull their twisted bodies withered
under disdain but they look at me in disbelief blinking with eyes
familiar with darkness and forgetful of the beams
Can't you see you have been made with care? Carvings and lines of you
belong to your reflection and gifts only owned by you?
How can I convince you; love is your cure? when all eyes around you
made you so unsure? I could only think of nothing other than tracing
the maps of your souls and pull you upright my rainbows you have twisted
colorless for so long bother no more

Luminous Woman

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