Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Creation: New Template & Twilight Blog!

Hey! everyone I guess loneliness is the mother of creation at least in my case lol! Well, I found my way through posting Youtube vids. and that required changing my layout for the video to appear without distorting my side posts! So, this a new one!
Also, my crazed Twilight obsession found it's way to this supposedly neutral and twilight free zone ;) so I decided the more the merrier.. A Twilight blog for the Egyptian fans, aka, me lol. I had to find a release without imposing it on innocent nontwilight addicts...being such a sensitive person, I made a new blog & called it: Apotamkin: The Cold One of Egypt! you can say it's the first Egyptian Twilight fan site!! I googled it and it wasn't common lol. You can find the link in Luminous fix in case you are interested. We should shout out the Egyptian presence in Twilight. Special thanks to Stephenie Meyer; she covered all areas in her Saga including us Apotamkins, yay!

Creation: Arab Stand Up Comedians LOLs

Love the Axis of Evil Stand Up Comedy! They are the only ones I know of who are genuinely trying to improve the image of Muslims to the outside world, and they are doing an absolutely hilarious job!! If you are not familiar with the names Ahmed Ahmed, Dean Obaid Allah, Maz Jubrani and Aron Kader, you are missing a tearful lol!

Monday, September 28, 2009

My Soul: Blogging Frenzy!

How did my blogging frenzy begin? I have found great pleasure in all the aspects that constructed Twilight, saga/movie, ever since I've read and watched it (God only knows how many times!) early this year. The movie and it's gorgeous cast simply sucked the remains of any brain space I had before they completely took control. Twilight's mysterious effect on it's readers, young and old takes really a lot of strength to resist or simply ignore.
It brought me to a special friend that I've met through Spunk Ransom on facebook and we couldn't shut up about it. Though we were oceans apart, we came up with the idea to share a blog and called it Robstenation & all things twilight. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep up and we had conflicting approaches so she took over and is doing an absolutely wonderful effort to make it a top twilight site. If it weren't for that experience, I wouldn't have had a clue about running my own blog. I guess, the Lord works in mysterious ways! So this is a special thank you to my friend Shaui from Manila, we dream about watching Breaking Dawn together:) may God fulfill our wish.

Creation: Class 3b project pure fun!

This is a special post for a fun project I did with my students at MNS. Unfortunately, the rehearsals' vid. is in Cairo:/ one day will post to remember and share the fun:)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cinematic: Rob as Ian in The Host?

Ever since I've read Stephanie Meyer's The Host, I've been unable to imagine someone other than Rob playing Ian in a cinematic adaptation. Now that The Host's casting is being chosen by Meyer & the producers (posted earlier, review here), I'm shouting out Rob for Ian pleaaaaase! dark hair fits Rob too:( come squeal with me, lol.

Creation: Egyptian Boy Vid

This is the Egyptian version of American boy, featuring someone we know hush, hush!

Creation: Junior Art - Rob Pattinson

Another sketch by Heba! this time it's the man himself! Rob Pattinson:) I love watching how Twilight have touched & inspired the masses. Sometimes I wonder if Stephenie Meyer put a love spell on her phenomenal project and bewitched us all! In case you missed Taylor's sketch click here.

The Eye: Michel Jakson dies a Muslim

With the mysterious death of Michel Jackson, dies the truth about his conversion to Islam. The King of Pop has moved to Bahrain with his Muslim big brother Jermaine after his infamous accusations of child molestation. Jermaine is supposedly the reason behind Michel's conversion; he says: "I wanted him to get out of America and just go somewhere peaceful and quiet, where people pray five times a day. It's a beautiful thing," source . Michel is said to have changed his name to Mikaeel (the Arabic name for Michel the angel of God). Among other things, prayer beads were found on MJ's death bed; this rosary or chain of beads is generally used by Muslims for praising Allah, source. When I listen to Heal the World, Earth Song, They Don't Care about Us and Black or White, I see them as remarkable good deeds that would send any human straight to heaven. R.I.P Mikaeel.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Creation: Junior fan art - Taylor Lautner

A cute sketch of Taylor Lautner by Heba, obviously team Taylor. Great art by a special student of mine. Keep it up sweetie:) Can I order a Robsten special?
I'll be more than happy to post all your art work, you are so talented. Heba also plays the piano and the guitar you should hear her play River Flows in You. Awesome!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Physique: Olay's Classic Beauty Fluid

I'm laughing with myself for this post:) it feels like I'm advertising for this product but I'm actually referring to a personal fondness for Olay, Classic Beauty Fluid. Out of the the old as time brand products of Olay, this fluid does wonders to my skin. Its color, scent and consistency are just right for a morning moisturizer. It's perfect for dry to normal skin, try it!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Creation: Twilight by talented Alicexz

My love for painting and for twilight and the leads Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart is always central to things I tend to appreciate. Alicexz is a Chinese talented young artist who absolutely touched my heart with her twilight inspired collection,(view her entire gallery here).

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Soul: Dealing with my anger

I hate those days when I have to deal with my anger...I don't get angry you won't see me angry, actually you're going to "like me when I'm angry" , to the outside world I'm a very calm and serene person. I was once told "you are cold!" by co-worker! ...that was nice to know, because I hate to live with the burden of guilt...hurting others is not my talent... what I'm really good at is hiding my anger and when I mean hiding I mean people sometimes realize that something is wrong with me but nothing else...on the inside I get to feel what Bella Swan calls "a big hole punched in my chest"... severe headaches and a strong desire to just not deal with the so called humans until I'm bored with loneliness. What I really need to deal with is the magical transformation of what should be anger to overwhelming sadness. Trying to figure out how.

Cinematic: "The Host" is becoming a movie!

If you are Twilight saga freak like me this would be exciting news! Stephenie Meyer's The Host is to become a movie. "Producers Nick Wechsler, Steve and Paula Mae Schwartz have used their own money to acquire screen rights to “The Host,” the first adult novel written by Stephenie Meyer, author of the “Twilight” series." read here. The Host is a sci-fi thriller that I found as outstanding & as hooking as Twilight though nothing can measure up to Edward Cullen even if Meyer herself tries.

The Eye: Mark D. Siljanders Bridges the Divid

"I believed that Islam and Christianity were contradictory at their core, that the Eastern Islamic and Western Judeo-Christian cultures were irretrievably opposed to one another, and that the only possible solution to this conflict was the conversion of “them” so they would come to think like “us.” My worldview could not have been clearer or simpler—or more myopic."
"In the years that followed I was led to question the truth of these axioms. In time, I learned that every one of them was utterly, categorically false. I learned that when we stop buying into our cultures’ prejudices, assumptions, and prevailing habits of thought and begin to investigate the texts of our different holy books in their original languages, conflicts between crucial terms and entire passages that have traditionally been viewed as irreconcilable begin to evaporate."

"I learned that the deadly misunderstanding dividing our world today need not do so tomorrow." Mark D. Siljanders

A Deadly Misunderstanding

to read more or order the book click here.


Cinematic: Transformers in Egypt

Shia LaBeouf bigger than the pyramids of course!

It's always possible for a Megatron to be slightly taller than the Sphinx

Transformers Revenge of The Fallen, pays Egypt a happy visit! as the battle between the Megatrons & the Decepticons heats up! I'm always thrilled to see our land marks on the silver screen but I just can't get over watching the pyramid get demolished. Egypt is a hot spot in movies these days; Twilight? Apotamkin? rings a bell? yes, we suck blood, we're scary. Iron Man? the terrorist? yes, we breed them! needless to say that we sleep under camels and wrap ourselves with tents (we do worse!). Why is it too much to see the "Other" as "Normal"? Why the constant stigmatization of any thing Egyptian? Hard feelings since the Exodus? We weren't there... The da** Pharaoh got what he deserved...just saying, Gosh!

Creation: The Sublime Art of A. Andrew Gonzales

A. Andrew Gonzales is a contemporary artist, I simply stared at the selection of his outstanding Gallery. "Crescendo of the heart" which I implemented for my heading completely took over me and inspired me. Gonzales says: " My childhood preoccupation with dreams and imaginal worlds would soon lead me to the masters of imaginative painting. But it wasn't mere "fantasy" art that would call to me, but an art with a particular revelatory power. I longed for an art that would contemplate the jewel of wisdom hidden within and reveal the glory and mystery of being, an art sublimed with grace and beauty, subtle, yet profoundly ecstatic and mythically bold in its declaration." Check out his work here.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Art, Music, books and fashion will be posted under the title of Creation. On Creation I will post my personal & my favorite art works in the stated fields to share, comment and rate.


Physique is a special post for facts about our body, health care tips and my personal observations based on unique experiences & challenges I faced with mine.

My Soul

My Soul is a regular post about any stimulus that would enrich the values within and lead us to inner peace.


Crazy about movies? Yes! I've always been a movie addict since I was ten. My first movie obsession was E.T. & my current is Twilight as most of you know by now:)
So Cinematic is the special place to feed my movie addiction. In Cinematic we can discuss & review classic or current films that we have enjoyed.

The Eye

I've always been fascinated by the all knowing eye of the Pharaohs. I like to call my self the eye sometimes:) because I'm always putting too much into things I see. The Eye will be the title for any phenomena that I choose to post to discuss and critique.

A tribute to Egypt my home Land

Away from family and home for almost two months now, I can only think of the beauty of my home land, Egypt...