Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Creation: The Sublime Art of A. Andrew Gonzales

A. Andrew Gonzales is a contemporary artist, I simply stared at the selection of his outstanding Gallery. "Crescendo of the heart" which I implemented for my heading completely took over me and inspired me. Gonzales says: " My childhood preoccupation with dreams and imaginal worlds would soon lead me to the masters of imaginative painting. But it wasn't mere "fantasy" art that would call to me, but an art with a particular revelatory power. I longed for an art that would contemplate the jewel of wisdom hidden within and reveal the glory and mystery of being, an art sublimed with grace and beauty, subtle, yet profoundly ecstatic and mythically bold in its declaration." Check out his work here.

1 comment:

Me said...

Lilith.... A great gift to utter the name of the Almighty Creator, so much so, it gave her the ability to fly.... She did not obey, and bound to her ignorence, she became what is today known as, Jessebelle, whore, killer of mankind, seedswollowing demon.